New Merch - Glam Rock Specter of Death

We haven’t figured out how to stop Kit from making these things.

You can get our Glam Rock Specter of Death design, based on stuff we yell during The Jem Jam, printed on t-shirts, phone cases, pillows, mugs, or a gigantic flag you can hang from your wall. You know, if you’re into that sort of thing.

This design is 30% off for the next three days!

Transcript: THE JEM JAM - Episode 2 - "Disaster"

(Listen to the episode here.)

Annie: (burps)

Kit: Who was that?

Annie: Yo.

Kit: Charming, Annie. Really charming. Watch as I make that the cold open for this episode.

[Title Music]

Annie: Hey there, I'm Annie.

Kit: I'm Kit.

Maq: And I'm Maq.

Annie: And this is The Jem Jam, where we do an episode-by-episode recap of the 1980s cartoon Jem and the Holograms, because we have awful taste and we need to inflict it on you, the internet. Last time, we did episode one: "The Beginning." This time, this is episode two: "Disaster," still written by Christy Marx, as this is part of our little intro. Our shockingly low-budget intro to a glam rock series that is full of drama. And I'm very excited to get started.

Transcript: THE JEM JAM - Comic Discussion - "Jem and the Holograms #1"

(Listen to the episode here)

[Title Music]

Annie: Hey there, internet! I’m Annie–

Kit: I’m Kit–

Maq: and I’m Maq–

Annie: –and this is the Jem Jam, where we do an episode by episode recap of the 1980s cartoon Jem and the Holograms. This is actually going to be a bit of a special episode because – as you may or may not know – Jem #1 from IDW Comics just came out, and we are going to review that one today instead of a cartoon episode. This one covers a bit of the stuff from episode one, “The Beginning.” If you want to see what we’re going to be referring to I would definitely give that a listen. If you already have, congratulations. You’re on top of your game.

Transcript: THE JEM JAM - Episode 1 - "The Beginning"

(Listen to the episode here.)

Kit: I’m gonna be honest all of my notes for this–there’s just an entire page that says “GUITAR MOTORCYCLES.” Like that’s page one, and then page two is the rest of my notes.

[Title Music]

Annie: Hey there, I’m Annie.

Kit: I’m Kit.

Maq: And I’m Maq.

A: And this is The Jem Jam, where we do an episode-by-episode recap of the 1980s cartoon Jem and the Holograms, because it is truly, truly outrageous. And also truly, truly insane. We are starting with episode one of season one, aptly titled “The Beginning.” And last episode–if you want to check that out–we also mentioned how we got into Jem, what our thing is, what is up with the music videos, some of the history… so if that’s what you’re interested in before just jumping right in and want some context, I would give that a listen first.

“The Beginning” is the first of a four- or five-parter that was released as a miniseries. I believe in some of the airings they were actually cut up by episode break, which is why so many of them end on insane cliffhangers. These were all written by Christy Marx, the creator of the show. Her screenwriting stuff–she tended to only come in for the beginning and the end. But when you’ve got a Christy Marx episode, you know you’re in for some very high quality soap opera garbage. Shall we dive right in?

Transcript: THE JEM JAM - Episode 0 - Come On and Slam

(Listen to the episode here.)

[Title Music]

Annie: Howdy there, Internet! I’m Annie.

Kit: I’m Kit.

Maq: And I’m Maq.

A: And this is The Jem Jam, where we do an episode-by-episode review of the 1980s cartoon Jem and the Holograms, because we have awful taste.

K: I have really good taste. You guys are making me do this.